Collection: Mercedes Paez Layog

Encouraged by her parents, and growing up around her mom who loved to paint, Merce knew at age 8 she wanted to be an artist and has loved to sketch since then. Merce Paez-Layog went to PWU and finished BFA Advertising in 1986 and Industrial Design in 1988. She eventually had clients from export companies locally and abroad. After marriage with fellow artist, sculptor Patrick, they opened a studio/gallery and eventually began designing and manufacturing rings and pendants from resin that were a big hit here and abroad, and were on display at the Met and Ayala Museum. Merce started painting in 2008. She loves modern art and movement, and experiments in techniques and color as is evident in her works in acrylic. Her paintings evoke a certain positive vibe that once was described as “an explosion of life.”


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